
Alert: NUNM Health Center will be CLOSED on Friday April 4th and Saturday April 5th for Spring Holiday. We return to normal hours on Monday April 7th.

Community Health Centers

Health For Everyone, Everywhere

NUNM’s Community Health Centers offer integrative medical care by the region’s foremost naturopathic physicians and Chinese medicine practitioners, and their finest medical students—all working together to bring you coordinated care. Your primary care team will provide you with the most effective healing treatment options to address your unique health concerns, and assist you in achieving and maintaining your ideal state of health and wellness.

Partners in Portland and Beyond

NUNM is an active member in the Coalition of Community Health Clinics. We believe that partnering with other clinics, nonprofits, and government agencies allows for the greatest opportunities for natural care. Since natural medicine reaches individuals from across a wide range of backgrounds, we aim to provide culturally affirming care within many different communities.

Community Partner Locations

Naturopathic Medicine Services

Classical Chinese Medicine Services

Affordable Care

The agreements we make with our community partners ensure that the cost of care is accessible to people across the federal poverty level. At the sites where NUNM schedules the appointment, patients are able to apply for the Compassionate Care Program, a schedule of discounts.*

Your Neighborhood Medicinary

Some of our community health sites contain medicinary items to supplement your care. Vitamins, minerals, teas and tinctures are some of the items that we keep on hand at your neighborhood NUNM Community Health Center. Most of the items are deeply discounted, which means that your body can get back into balance without great expense. Medicinary items are for established patients, so if you are interested in taking a more natural approach to prescriptions, schedule a consult with one of our naturopathic doctors to find out how we can help.

Schedule A Visit

For the sites with an * next to them please call our Scheduling Line at 503.552.1551.

Appointments at all other locations are scheduled by their respective teams.